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your account

managing your account

To sign up for a younasons account, all you need is an email address. Once your account is set up, you can buy, sell, and enjoy all the benefits of being an younasons member.

Basics Information

  Signing up for an account

To sign up for an younasons account all you need is your email address. Once your account is set up, you can buy and apply for seller after your first login sell, and enjoy all the benefits of being an younasons member.

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  Signing in to account

After you’ve registered with younasons, you should sign in to your account whenever you’re looking to buy, sell, or just browse. Once you’re signed in, we can personalise your shopping experience and show you items you might like based on your interests.

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  Messages and Groups

You’ll find all messages and Groups you’ve exchanged with other younasons members, for more online research and growing your business, in one place in your Messages.

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  Managing your contact information

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  Reset your password

Whether you've simply forgotten your password and need to reset it, or want to make a change for security reasons, it's easy to change your younasons password.

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  Changing your username

Your username or user ID is the unique name you chose when you created your younasons account. It's the name other younasons members see when you're buying or selling with them.

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  Changing the address

Your primary postage address is the default we'll provide to sellers so they know where to send your item to. However, you can always select a different address, or add a new one, during checkout.

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You can keep track of your younasons activity without having to be on the younasons site by setting up notifications.

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You can see how younasons members have been rated by other younasons users by viewing their feedback profile.

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  Closing your account

If you close your younasons account, you'll no longer be able to sell on the site or access to your younasons account. You'll also lose your Feedback, as well as your purchase and sales history.

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Other Deatis

Reset your password

Whether you've simply forgotten your password and need to reset it, or want to make a change for security reasons, it's easy to change your younasons password. via settings

Managing your contact information

Your contact information needs to be correct and up to date so you can buy, sell, and receive important communications on younasons. If you change your phone number, postal address, or email address, It is Easy to update your personal information.

Protecting your account

Your safety is one of our top priorities, so we take measures to help ensure your account is secure. There are also several things you can do to prevent your account from being hacked or taken over.

Account restrictions and suspensions

We may occasionally restrict or suspend accounts to protect our community. If you're a seller, your payouts may also be placed on hold until the restriction or suspension is lifted. For More information Please contact Us.

Get help with a hacked account

If you think someone is trying to take over your account – or already has – we'll work with you to secure it. For your protection, we may place a temporary hold on your account. for more information please contact us.

Changing your account settings

If you've moved, have started using a new email address, or any of your personal details have changed, make sure you update your younasons account settings.

Seller levels and performance standards

Making sure buyers receive great service from all our sellers is one of our top priorities. Our seller levels and performance standards help you track your performance, and let buyers shop with confidence.

Start selling on younasons

Whether you want to make some extra cash, clear out some unwanted items from around the house, or even start a business, it's easy to start selling on younasons.

Fees, tax, and invoices

The fees we charge for selling and tax an item on younasons mainly depend on what you sell and in which country you are selling. Your fees are automatically deducted from your sales proceeds and you can view the details of your invoce in Payments in Seller deshboard.

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